Apps Script

Google Sheets: Apps Script

Apps Script is the macro in the Google Sheets just like the macro in the Excel. It runs JavaScript. You can write any custom macro by yourself by using Apps Script.

You can find it from the top of the menu.

Extensions > Apps Script

Apps Script



Method Return type Brief description
create(name) Spreadsheet Creates a new spreadsheet with the given name.
create(name, rows, columns) Spreadsheet Creates a new spreadsheet with the given name and the specified number of rows and columns.
enableAllDataSourcesExecution() void Enables data execution for all types of data sources.
enableBigQueryExecution() void Enables data execution for BigQuery data source.
flush() void Applies all pending Spreadsheet changes.
getActive() Spreadsheet Returns the currently active spreadsheet, or null if there is none.
getActiveRange() Range Returns the selected range in the active sheet, or null if there is no active range.
getActiveRangeList() RangeList Returns the list of active ranges in the active sheet or null if there are no ranges selected.
getActiveSheet() Sheet Gets the active sheet in a spreadsheet.
getActiveSpreadsheet() Spreadsheet Returns the currently active spreadsheet, or null if there is none.
getCurrentCell() Range Returns the current (highlighted) cell that is selected in one of the active ranges in the active sheet or null if there is no current cell.
getSelection() Selection Returns the current Selection in the spreadsheet.
getUi() Ui Returns an instance of the spreadsheet’s user-interface environment that allows the script to add features like menus, dialogs, and sidebars.
newCellImage() CellImageBuilder Creates a builder for a CellImage.
newColor() ColorBuilder Creates a builder for a Color.
newConditionalFormatRule() ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder Creates a builder for a conditional formatting rule.
newDataSourceSpec() DataSourceSpecBuilder Creates a builder for a DataSourceSpec.
newDataValidation() DataValidationBuilder Creates a builder for a data validation rule.
newFilterCriteria() FilterCriteriaBuilder Creates a builder for a FilterCriteria.
newRichTextValue() RichTextValueBuilder Creates a builder for a Rich Text value.
newTextStyle() TextStyleBuilder Creates a builder for a text style.
open(file) Spreadsheet Opens the spreadsheet that corresponds to the given File object.
openById(id) Spreadsheet Opens the spreadsheet with the given ID.
openByUrl(url) Spreadsheet Opens the spreadsheet with the given URL.
setActiveRange(range) Range Sets the specified range as the active range, with the top left cell in the range as the current cell.
setActiveRangeList(rangeList) RangeList Sets the specified list of ranges as the active ranges.
setActiveSheet(sheet) Sheet Sets the active sheet in a spreadsheet.
setActiveSheet(sheet, restoreSelection) Sheet Sets the active sheet in a spreadsheet, with the option to restore the most recent selection within that sheet.
setActiveSpreadsheet(newActiveSpreadsheet) void Sets the active spreadsheet.
setCurrentCell(cell) Range Sets the specified cell as the current cell.



Method Return type Brief description
activate() Sheet Activates this sheet.
addDeveloperMetadata(key) Sheet Adds developer metadata with the specified key to the sheet.
addDeveloperMetadata(key, visibility) Sheet Adds developer metadata with the specified key and visibility to the sheet.
addDeveloperMetadata(key, value) Sheet Adds developer metadata with the specified key and value to the sheet.
addDeveloperMetadata(key, value, visibility) Sheet Adds developer metadata with the specified key, value, and visibility to the sheet.
appendRow(rowContents) Sheet Appends a row to the bottom of the current data region in the sheet.
asDataSourceSheet() DataSourceSheet Returns the sheet as a DataSourceSheet if the sheet is of type SheetType.DATASOURCE, or null otherwise.
autoResizeColumn(columnPosition) Sheet Sets the width of the given column to fit its contents.
autoResizeColumns(startColumn, numColumns) Sheet Sets the width of all columns starting at the given column position to fit their contents.
autoResizeRows(startRow, numRows) Sheet Sets the height of all rows starting at the given row position to fit their contents.
clear() Sheet Clears the sheet of content and formatting information.
clear(options) Sheet Clears the sheet of contents and/or format, as specified with the given advanced options.
clearConditionalFormatRules() void Removes all conditional format rules from the sheet.
clearContents() Sheet Clears the sheet of contents, while preserving formatting information.
clearFormats() Sheet Clears the sheet of formatting, while preserving contents.
clearNotes() Sheet Clears the sheet of all notes.
collapseAllColumnGroups() Sheet Collapses all column groups on the sheet.
collapseAllRowGroups() Sheet Collapses all row groups on the sheet.
copyTo(spreadsheet) Sheet Copies the sheet to a given spreadsheet, which can be the same spreadsheet as the source.
createDeveloperMetadataFinder() DeveloperMetadataFinder Returns a DeveloperMetadataFinder for finding developer metadata within the scope of this sheet.
createTextFinder(findText) TextFinder Creates a text finder for the sheet, which can find and replace text within the sheet.
deleteColumn(columnPosition) Sheet Deletes the column at the given column position.
deleteColumns(columnPosition, howMany) void Deletes a number of columns starting at the given column position.
deleteRow(rowPosition) Sheet Deletes the row at the given row position.
deleteRows(rowPosition, howMany) void Deletes a number of rows starting at the given row position.
expandAllColumnGroups() Sheet Expands all column groups on the sheet.
expandAllRowGroups() Sheet Expands all row groups on the sheet.
expandColumnGroupsUpToDepth(groupDepth) Sheet Expands all column groups up to the given depth, and collapses all others.
expandRowGroupsUpToDepth(groupDepth) Sheet Expands all row groups up to the given depth, and collapses all others.
getActiveCell() Range Returns the active cell in this sheet.
getActiveRange() Range Returns the selected range in the active sheet, or null if there is no active range.
getActiveRangeList() RangeList Returns the list of active ranges in the active sheet or null if there are no active ranges.
getBandings() Banding[] Returns all the bandings in this sheet.
getCharts() EmbeddedChart[] Returns an array of charts on this sheet.
getColumnGroup(columnIndex, groupDepth) Group Returns the column group at the given index and group depth.
getColumnGroupControlPosition() GroupControlTogglePosition Returns the GroupControlTogglePosition for all column groups on the sheet.
getColumnGroupDepth(columnIndex) Integer Returns the group depth of the column at the given index.
getColumnWidth(columnPosition) Integer Gets the width in pixels of the given column.
getConditionalFormatRules() ConditionalFormatRule[] Get all conditional format rules in this sheet.
getCurrentCell() Range Returns the current cell in the active sheet or null if there is no current cell.
getDataRange() Range Returns a Range corresponding to the dimensions in which data is present.
getDataSourceFormulas() DataSourceFormula[] Gets all the data source formulas.
getDataSourcePivotTables() DataSourcePivotTable[] Gets all the data source pivot tables.
getDataSourceTables() DataSourceTable[] Gets all the data source tables.
getDeveloperMetadata() DeveloperMetadata[] Get all developer metadata associated with this sheet.
getDrawings() Drawing[] Returns an array of drawings on the sheet.
getFilter() Filter Returns the filter in this sheet, or null if there is no filter.
getFormUrl() String Returns the URL for the form that sends its responses to this sheet, or null if this sheet has no associated form.
getFrozenColumns() Integer Returns the number of frozen columns.
getFrozenRows() Integer Returns the number of frozen rows.
getImages() OverGridImage[] Returns all over-the-grid images on the sheet.
getIndex() Integer Gets the position of the sheet in its parent spreadsheet.
getLastColumn() Integer Returns the position of the last column that has content.
getLastRow() Integer Returns the position of the last row that has content.
getMaxColumns() Integer Returns the current number of columns in the sheet, regardless of content.
getMaxRows() Integer Returns the current number of rows in the sheet, regardless of content.
getName() String Returns the name of the sheet.
getNamedRanges() NamedRange[] Gets all the named ranges in this sheet.
getParent() Spreadsheet Returns the Spreadsheet that contains this sheet.
getPivotTables() PivotTable[] Returns all the pivot tables on this sheet.
getProtections(type) Protection[] Gets an array of objects representing all protected ranges in the sheet, or a single-element array representing the protection on the sheet
getRange(row, column) Range Returns the range with the top left cell at the given coordinates.
getRange(row, column, numRows) Range Returns the range with the top left cell at the given coordinates, and with the given number of rows.
getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns) Range Returns the range with the top left cell at the given coordinates with the given number of rows and columns.
getRange(a1Notation) Range Returns the range as specified in A1 notation or R1C1 notation.
getRangeList(a1Notations) RangeList Returns the RangeList collection representing the ranges in the same sheet specified by a non-empty list of A1 notations or R1C1 notations.
getRowGroup(rowIndex, groupDepth) Group Returns the row group at the given index and group depth.
getRowGroupControlPosition() GroupControlTogglePosition Returns the GroupControlTogglePosition for all row groups on the sheet.
getRowGroupDepth(rowIndex) Integer Returns the group depth of the row at the given index.
getRowHeight(rowPosition) Integer Gets the height in pixels of the given row.
getSelection() Selection Returns the current Selection in the spreadsheet.
getSheetId() Integer Returns the ID of the sheet represented by this object.
getSheetName() String Returns the sheet name.
getSheetValues(startRow, startColumn, numRows, numColumns) Object[][] Returns the rectangular grid of values for this range starting at the given coordinates.
getSlicers() Slicer[] Returns an array of slicers on the sheet.
getTabColorObject() Color Gets the sheet tab color, or null if the sheet tab has no color.
getType() SheetType Returns the type of the sheet.
hasHiddenGridlines() Boolean Returns true if the sheet’s gridlines are hidden; otherwise returns false.
hideColumn(column) void Hides the column or columns in the given range.
hideColumns(columnIndex) void Hides a single column at the given index.
hideColumns(columnIndex, numColumns) void Hides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index.
hideRow(row) void Hides the rows in the given range.
hideRows(rowIndex) void Hides the row at the given index.
hideRows(rowIndex, numRows) void Hides one or more consecutive rows starting at the given index.
hideSheet() Sheet Hides this sheet.
insertChart(chart) void Adds a new chart to this sheet.
insertColumnAfter(afterPosition) Sheet Inserts a column after the given column position.
insertColumnBefore(beforePosition) Sheet Inserts a column before the given column position.
insertColumns(columnIndex) void Inserts a blank column in a sheet at the specified location.
insertColumns(columnIndex, numColumns) void Inserts one or more consecutive blank columns in a sheet starting at the specified location.
insertColumnsAfter(afterPosition, howMany) Sheet Inserts a number of columns after the given column position.
insertColumnsBefore(beforePosition, howMany) Sheet Inserts a number of columns before the given column position.
insertImage(blobSource, column, row) OverGridImage Inserts a BlobSource as an image in the document at a given row and column.
insertImage(blobSource, column, row, offsetX, offsetY) OverGridImage Inserts a BlobSource as an image in the document at a given row and column, with a pixel offset.
insertImage(url, column, row) OverGridImage Inserts an image in the document at a given row and column.
insertImage(url, column, row, offsetX, offsetY) OverGridImage Inserts an image in the document at a given row and column, with a pixel offset.
insertRowAfter(afterPosition) Sheet Inserts a row after the given row position.
insertRowBefore(beforePosition) Sheet Inserts a row before the given row position.
insertRows(rowIndex) void Inserts a blank row in a sheet at the specified location.
insertRows(rowIndex, numRows) void Inserts one or more consecutive blank rows in a sheet starting at the specified location.
insertRowsAfter(afterPosition, howMany) Sheet Inserts a number of rows after the given row position.
insertRowsBefore(beforePosition, howMany) Sheet Inserts a number of rows before the given row position.
insertSlicer(range, anchorRowPos, anchorColPos) Slicer Adds a new slicer to this sheet.
insertSlicer(range, anchorRowPos, anchorColPos, offsetX, offsetY) Slicer Adds a new slicer to this sheet.
isColumnHiddenByUser(columnPosition) Boolean Returns whether the given column is hidden by the user.
isRightToLeft() Boolean Returns true if this sheet layout is right-to-left.
isRowHiddenByFilter(rowPosition) Boolean Returns whether the given row is hidden by a filter (not a filter view).
isRowHiddenByUser(rowPosition) Boolean Returns whether the given row is hidden by the user.
isSheetHidden() Boolean Returns true if the sheet is currently hidden.
moveColumns(columnSpec, destinationIndex) void Moves the columns selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex.
moveRows(rowSpec, destinationIndex) void Moves the rows selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex.
newChart() EmbeddedChartBuilder Returns a builder to create a new chart for this sheet.
protect() Protection Creates an object that can protect the sheet from being edited except by users who have permission.
removeChart(chart) void Removes a chart from the parent sheet.
setActiveRange(range) Range Sets the specified range as the active range in the active sheet, with the top left cell in the range as the current cell.
setActiveRangeList(rangeList) RangeList Sets the specified list of ranges as the active ranges in the active sheet.
setActiveSelection(range) Range Sets the active selection region for this sheet.
setActiveSelection(a1Notation) Range Sets the active selection, as specified in A1 notation or R1C1 notation.
setColumnGroupControlPosition(position) Sheet Sets the position of the column group control toggle on the sheet.
setColumnWidth(columnPosition, width) Sheet Sets the width of the given column in pixels.
setColumnWidths(startColumn, numColumns, width) Sheet Sets the width of the given columns in pixels.
setConditionalFormatRules(rules) void Replaces all currently existing conditional format rules in the sheet with the input rules.
setCurrentCell(cell) Range Sets the specified cell as the current cell.
setFrozenColumns(columns) void Freezes the given number of columns.
setFrozenRows(rows) void Freezes the given number of rows.
setHiddenGridlines(hideGridlines) Sheet Hides or reveals the sheet gridlines.
setName(name) Sheet Sets the sheet name.
setRightToLeft(rightToLeft) Sheet Sets or unsets the sheet layout to right-to-left.
setRowGroupControlPosition(position) Sheet Sets the position of the row group control toggle on the sheet.
setRowHeight(rowPosition, height) Sheet Sets the row height of the given row in pixels.
setRowHeights(startRow, numRows, height) Sheet Sets the height of the given rows in pixels.
setRowHeightsForced(startRow, numRows, height) Sheet Sets the height of the given rows in pixels.
setTabColor(color) Sheet Sets the sheet tab color.
setTabColorObject(color) Sheet Sets the sheet tab color.
showColumns(columnIndex) void Unhides the column at the given index.
showColumns(columnIndex, numColumns) void Unhides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index.
showRows(rowIndex) void Unhides the row at the given index.
showRows(rowIndex, numRows) void Unhides one or more consecutive rows starting at the given index.
showSheet() Sheet Makes the sheet visible.
sort(columnPosition) Sheet Sorts a sheet by column, ascending.
sort(columnPosition, ascending) Sheet Sorts a sheet by column.
unhideColumn(column) void Unhides the column in the given range.
unhideRow(row) void Unhides the row in the given range.
updateChart(chart) void Updates the chart on this sheet.




Method Return type Brief description
clear() void Clears the log.
getLog() String Returns a complete list of messages in the current log.
log(data) Logger Writes the string to the logging console.
log(format, values) Logger Writes a formatted string to the logging console, using the format and values provided.



Google Sheets: Apps Script Color